Diocese of Cleveland CYO


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Visitor: Communion of Saints (Hertz)
Home: Gesu (Abrams)

Visitor: St. Rita (Tabone)
Home: Communion of Saints (Hertz)

Visitor: St. Joan of Arc (Warcaba)
Home: Communion of Saints (Hertz)

Visitor: St. Paschal Baylon (Forte)
Home: Communion of Saints (Hertz)

Visitor: St. Francis of Assisi (Puletti)
Home: Communion of Saints (Hertz)

Visitor: Communion of Saints (Hertz)
Home: Notre Dame Elementary (Kelly)

Visitor: Communion of Saints (Hertz)
Home: Sacred Heart of Jesus - S. Euclid (Lease)

Visitor: Communion of Saints (Hertz)
Home: St. Anselm (Beard)